You can watch my May 2014 commencement address in Kyrgyzstan to learn about the first 25 years of my life (embroidery, knitting, sewing, cooking, wood shop, metal shop, typing, drafting, offset press printing, journalism, constitutional law, computer programming, model rockets, various flunky jobs, etc.) See my LinkedIn profile for more details.I chaired the IPD Campaign Council 2015-2020. My wife Lisa and I became philanthropists in 1997 (see Wissner-Slivka Foundation) and some of our more recent grants have been focused on the life sciences, including Project Violet at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) at the University of Washington.

I earned BS degrees in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in 1982, and an MS degree in Computer Science in 1985, all from Northwestern University.I also served on the EECS Department advisory board (on and off between 1989-2018) and the NUvention Web+Media (entrepreneurship course) advisory board (2010-2018). I served on these board committees: Northwestern Medicine (overseeing our Feinberg School of Medicine and our relationship with Northwestern Memorial Healthcare), Educational Properties (buildings and grounds), Budget/Finance, Information Technology, and Alumni Relations and Development.

During that span, I spent ~5 weeks a year in Evanston and Chicago, meeting with students, faculty, staff and alumni in addition to my board duties.

I have been a formal adviser to several different start-ups, and recently I’ve been meeting with 80-100 start-ups/year. And we had nice exits in Azuqua and AppSheet. DreamBox Learning gave us a slight return. Our first two investments were disasters. We have invested in 19 different companies since 2003, and we have 14 current investments in biotechnology, hardware, software, and space launch.
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I started the online educational software company DreamBox Learning in 2006 and sold it in 2010 (to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings), retaining a small economic interest.In my March 2003 memo Connecting Students to Northwestern Forever, I describe a college social networking site 10 months before Mark Zuckerberg started (in January, 2004).In 1998, I described my vision for the The Window Service, 22 years before the 2020 SARS2 pandemic brought a subset of this vision to prominence in Slack and Microsoft Teams.On December 12, 1995, I placed my first order on, making me customer number 10,272.

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